But I digress. In my opinion, the idea that an individual has "changed" their sexual preference to irritate the government or just to "stick it to the man" is offensive and narrow-minded. For example, I cannot change my race. My genetic makeup dictates my ethnicity. I could act like an Inuit or an Italian, but I cannot BE an Inuit or Italian. Anyone who wanted to could act as though they enjoyed homosexual relations, but they are not a homosexual. Sexual preferences are not only a personality trait, they are an essential part of biological makeup.
And so some ask: nature or nurture? Is a child raised away from all thoughts of homosexuality still going to be a homosexual? And conversely, would a child raised by gay parents become a homosexual automatically?
Sexual preference is not contagious. Yes, a man raised by a minister and his wife may grow up, get married and have two children and a successful career and not discover his true sexual preference or come out for many years, but at some point he will become aware, publicly or privately, of his sexual orientation. For various reasons having to do with prejudice, stigma and religion, this man may choose to stay in the closet. But his preferences will not alter; they will merely be buried.
At some point, people will wake up. They will realize that as long as there has been life, there has been sex. For as long as people have been on Earth, they have reproduced, and for as long as there have been men and women, there have been homosexuals, heterosexuals, bisexuals and transgendered persons. This is a fact of life. And marriage of two people who love each other should never be a question, whether it is religious or political.
Any religion will say that love is essential to life. I doubt that God cares what sort of love it is.
You know the president has just announced that this (June) is LGBT month?