Monday, December 27, 2010

I was going to write an interesting critique. Then I was going to write a poem. Then I was going to write a thoughtful piece on current events.
Who am I kidding? I can't even motivate myself to shower. It feels like an inane, monotonous circle when all you can do is wake up, read, eat, frolic around, and go to sleep. And yes, there is joy. I am not depressed, I do not feel morbid. I am not even particularly thinking about all of the things in the world that actually COULD and SHOULD depress me. I simply can't muster the energy. And for an overachieving busy bee such as yours truly, this makes me feel lazy, stupid and just rather...bad.
Yes, once in a while it is good to be bored. It is good to have nothing to do. It is good to subsist on nothing but leftover Christmas cookies and the anonymous solace of sitting, snowed-in, with a laptop and a cup of tea.
Sometimes boredom is good, but sometimes it just makes you feel yucky and useless. That is the feeling I had. It was not nice.
I just took a shower. Hot water is a magical thing.

Immaculate, signing off. LOVE.

1 comment:

  1. Such a nice progression from "can't" to "took" using the device of writing. Well done Emma!
